How to Hero Edit Page 2
Click the item you want. I am going to work with an ancient armor. All you have to do is go through the tabs (armor, normal, armor, ancient armor) and click on the name then click "save new item to picked up" and it will appear in a box on the right. From here I click the next tab that is on it named Item Edit. You will see a list on the far left. click the one that says ##Picked Up## ancient armor. Click on that one.
You will see in the picture above in item edit that you see a wierd list. We will work with these lists Basic1, other, magic, quality. I will work with Basic1 first. if you click on it, All I want you to do is click on the spot that says Item is NOT socketed and change it to True and then click save modified item.
Next I will be working with quality. You will see a part that says change item quality, i'm choosing magic. From there click save. you can add a magic prefix or suffix to it but I'm choosing not to at this time. Next we will move onto Other. You can change defense and socket amount here. I usually use zero defense and socket amount as 1. We will now work with Magic.
Click on Magic and you will see it says on the far right 1st empty slot from here if you push the arrows that point v and ^ you will see a big list of attributes you can choose from. The pic below has a few highlighted ones that we will work around the most. What isnt showing is by level and notvisible.
You will want to use the following on most items. Do not forget you can also do jewels and charms and socket the jewels to your armor, weapons, rings.
Damage 491, damage 511% enhanced damage, extra sockets 7, other-regenerate mana 255%, passive (Cold, fire, lightning mastery (any 1)), skill prayer or some holy aura, stats life 461, stats life 53%, stats mana 223, stats mana 53%, bylevel absorb cold, bylevel absorb fire, bylevel absorb lightning, by level cold resist, by level fire resist, by level lightning resist, and like 11 other things you may think you may need.
Things to remember though is that there are limits or your character will not be good....only use damage stuff on 45 items, any more will ruin your damage, holy auras have no limit, masteries end up bad if you use it on more than 50 items, know how much regenerate mana you should use or you will have no mana to use.
Now you can build your own armor. You can do more than just armor if you play with it. just remember if your filesize is bigger than 6-7kb. it wont enter games that easily